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What is the 365 Foundation? Who are we?

If you look at our website you will see information about the 365 Foundation, our core team, and why you should donate to support us. You will also see our impressive Board of Directors and the many events and projects we plan on launching in 2024.

But what do we really do, what is our mission in simple terms?

We aim to elevate, educate, and celebrate the women who are overlooked every day in our local communities, the artists, the musicians, the singers, the actors, the poets and playwrights, the activists, the teachers, and the mothers. We aim to show these women support by providing them with a safe space for them to express themselves and share their stories.

We aim to empower the powerless; the women stuck in the prison systems who do not have a voice and most likely they never did, the women and refugees isolated in small pockets of our diverse neighborhoods, the female veterans in our communities who have not received any recognition for their service to our country.

We aim to organize rallies, marches, and protests to educate and raise awareness; and to actively hold those we elected in our communities accountable to change laws and policies that discriminate against women.

We aim to create networks of solidarity in our communities to educate and empower the younger women of this generation who are most vulnerable.

The fight that started a long time ago, continues for equality and equity, reproductive rights, and protection against gender-based violent and sexual crimes that take place in our homes, schools, workplaces, our military, and all forms of media.

I truly believe we need to start with educating our communities in small-town America first.

Change starts here… at home.

Natalie Venezia
Founder and CEO
365 Foundation Inc.
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What is the 365 Foundation? Who are we?
What is our mission in simple terms. I truly believe we need to start with educating our communities in small-town America first. Change starts here… at home. 
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365 Foundation Inc.
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